Narcissism In The Workplace Factsheet
I’ve been researching and studying narcissism for the last 15 years and have designed the Narcissism in the Workplace Factsheet to provide an overview of many of the topics I discuss in my narcissism, bullying and toxic workplace videos.
Factsheet Content
- The Different Narcissistic Types
- The Common Traits of a Narcissist (How to Spot a Narcissist)
- General Information
- What Causes Narcissism?
- What Drives a Narcissist?
- Who a Narcissists Victims?
- The Narcissistic Abuse Cycle
- Phase 1 - Love Bombing
- Phase 2 - Devaluation
- Phase 3 - Discard
- Phase 4 - Hoover
- The Power and Control wheel
- Tools for Navigating Narcissism in the Workplace
- Additional Resources
In this useful PDF, I’ve also included a discount code to be used against any of the courses at my online school.
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